Australia Floods Aftermath Prophesied
Pale Horse In Egypt Protests - Prophecy Fulfilled
New Zealand Quake Prophesied And Fulfilled.flv
Prophecy Of Cross Border Shootout Coming To Korea
Iceland's Volcanic Eruption And Flight Cancellations Prophecy.flv
Mexico To California Earthquake
China Earthquake 2010 Prophecy Fulfilled-Dr. Owuor.mp4
Chile Earthquake Prophecy 8.8 magnitude-Dr. Owuor.mp4
Chile Earthquake and Tsunami Prophecy & It's Fulfillment-Dr. Owuor.mp4
Chile Earthquake And Tsunami Prophecy 2.mp4
Chile Earthquake And Tsunami Prophecy 3.mp4
Chile Earthquake And Tsunami Prophecy 5-Dr. Owuor.mp4
Chile Earthquake And Tsunami Prophecy Youtube 6.mp4
Chile Earthquake And Tsunami Prophecy 7-Dr. Owuor.mp4
Prophecy Of 2007 Horrific Bloodshed In Kenya & Fulfillment-Dr. Owuor.VOB
Quakes In Iran And Russia Prophecy & Fulfillment - Dr. Owuor
Hurricane Katrina Prophecy Fulfilled-Prophet Dr.Owuor